Luke 10:19 says;
“Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.”
The word power in this scripture denotes authority. This authority is to take dominion from the enemy of our souls, the Devil. You, yes you, have been given a position in God’s Army, and thus you have certain spiritual territory that you must maintain and keep. Each Christian has been given a post in God’s Army. Some are faithfully on duty, while others do not take seriously a post that cannot be seen.
In the Book of Revelation (The Revelation Of Jesus Christ) we see in chapters 2-3 an address to the Angels of each of these Churches. Who are these Angels? They are not literally Angels as we suppose, but rather Pastor’s, Christian Leaders and Christian Territorial Watchmen, who have been given territorial responsibility. You too, have been given territorial responsibilities which might include, your family, community, church, place of employment, friends, etc.. Some of us have been given great responsibilities and jurisdictions, that we have been given spiritual authority over. Such as; authority over a Church, local community, state, region, nation, denomination, or people group. This authority may not be openly known to others in the natural, but the spiritual realm sees and honors that authority. Callings such as intercessors, prayer warriors, as well as other positions, often have unseen authority.
You must realize that you have individual, as well as collective territorial responsibilities. Individually this would include your home, and collectively this would include your Church and community.
It is imperative that you understand that your spiritual territory also includes the call on your life. If you are in disobedience to God, then you are in the Devil’s territory. This makes you vulnerable. This is why so many ministers of the Gospel are having difficult times. A lot of people place ecclesiastical titles on themselves, and in doing so they step out of their spiritual territory, and are now vulnerable to the Devil’s attacks. If you are a Pastor, and you without the direction of God begin to call yourself Bishop, or Apostle, and then try to do the work of these callings, you will find it most difficult to fulfill this work, because you are out of your spiritual territory. God has not given you the spiritual accoutrements to walk in that calling. So many ministries fail because people are operating in the wrong spiritual offices, and so they don’t have the spiritual authority to fulfill that call.
Abraham was given certain territory to inherit. Although it was for Abraham, he still did not get it all at once. Neither can you take a spiritual territory all at once, but little by little (Deuteronomy 7:22-26). This method will give you the ability to handle and secure each area God has given you authority over.
How do you protect and keep your spiritual territory?
In the Book of Revelation (The Revelation Of Jesus Christ) we see in chapters 2-3 an address to the Angels of each of these Churches. Who are these Angels? They are not literally Angels as we suppose, but rather Pastor’s, Christian Leaders and Christian Territorial Watchmen, who have been given territorial responsibility. You too, have been given territorial responsibilities which might include, your family, community, church, place of employment, friends, etc.. Some of us have been given great responsibilities and jurisdictions, that we have been given spiritual authority over. Such as; authority over a Church, local community, state, region, nation, denomination, or people group. This authority may not be openly known to others in the natural, but the spiritual realm sees and honors that authority. Callings such as intercessors, prayer warriors, as well as other positions, often have unseen authority.
You must realize that you have individual, as well as collective territorial responsibilities. Individually this would include your home, and collectively this would include your Church and community.
It is imperative that you understand that your spiritual territory also includes the call on your life. If you are in disobedience to God, then you are in the Devil’s territory. This makes you vulnerable. This is why so many ministers of the Gospel are having difficult times. A lot of people place ecclesiastical titles on themselves, and in doing so they step out of their spiritual territory, and are now vulnerable to the Devil’s attacks. If you are a Pastor, and you without the direction of God begin to call yourself Bishop, or Apostle, and then try to do the work of these callings, you will find it most difficult to fulfill this work, because you are out of your spiritual territory. God has not given you the spiritual accoutrements to walk in that calling. So many ministries fail because people are operating in the wrong spiritual offices, and so they don’t have the spiritual authority to fulfill that call.
Abraham was given certain territory to inherit. Although it was for Abraham, he still did not get it all at once. Neither can you take a spiritual territory all at once, but little by little (Deuteronomy 7:22-26). This method will give you the ability to handle and secure each area God has given you authority over.
How do you protect and keep your spiritual territory?
- The first thing you need to do is find out, or establish what spiritual territory you have been given by God, and what the bounds or boundaries are of that territory.
- It is important here that you put on your belt of truth and examine your life, to see if it is in line with God’s Word. You should not try and take spiritual territory if you are living a carnal Christian life, or living in open sin. Christians who live carnally by watching things on television, like programs that use the Lord’s name in vain (most Christians are so desensitized toward this that they don’t even realize when this happens), say light curse words, have murder and killing, or show or imply sexual things like fornication or adultery, don’t often realize that they have diminished, if not totally lost the power necessary to enforce their spiritual territory. The Seven Brothers of Sceva tried to step into spiritual territory that they were not qualified to operate in, and they were over taken by the enemy (Acts 19:13-16).
- You must learn that you cannot physically maintain your spiritual territory. You need the Power of The Holy Spirit. You have no power against the enemy on your own. The weapons of your warfare are not carnal (Read II Corinthians 10:3-4).
- Next, we should learn to take up our spiritual authority daily, and enforce the Kingdom of God. You do this by praying, fasting, reading your Word (Bible), confessing the Word of God about who you are in Christ (your words hold power, especially when your words are what God says about you), speaking the Word of God against the Devil (Matthew 4:1-11), binding and loosing (Matthew 16:19), Casting out devils (Mark 16:17-18).
God wants us to be in a spiritual position to keep and protect the spiritual territory that He has given us. When a territory is not kept, maintained or protected by Christians you can see the demonic destruction and devastation that often occurs. In certain cities, cultures, and countries it is more evident than others. This is especially evident in countries that serve false gods or use voodoo and the various forms of witchcraft (including white and black magic).
So many people want God to use them in a greater capacity and for greater things, but if they are not keeping the territory that they presently have jurisdiction over, how can they possibly maintain more? Only through faithfulness can you qualify for greater spiritual territory. If you don’t pray and fast now for what you have jurisdiction over, then you will not increase your praying when you have more spiritual responsibility.
You need to realize that the Devil and his demonic army are trying to claim everything that they can as their spiritual territory. If there is no resistance from you, he will soon take your, family, community, town, city, state or nation. He (the Devil) assigns different demons to produce strongholds of specific sins in certain geographical areas. This is why some areas are dominated by certain sins. In San Francisco perverseness, like homosexuality is prominent. In New Orleans revelry or partying is dominate. In New York mammon and greed are the strongmen. In different areas demonic entities of various kinds try to gain control of those territories. In the Book Of Daniel we see that there are princes or principalities over certain nations (Daniel 10:12-13). Daniel’s spiritual territory could have been that of a Prince, who when he began to pray and fast, broke through the spiritual resistance from a demonic prince.
It is important that you remember that God never gives you anything that He does not give you the tools to keep. So if your Church is not going the way that you know that it should be going, then you need to make sure that you have spiritual authority to operate in whatever position you have there. If you determine that God has placed you there, then pick up your weapons and remove the enemy. You have been given a charge to protect, develop, increase, deliver and bring salvation through repentance and faith in Jesus Christ to all who are under your spiritual authority, or who are in your God ordained spiritual territory.
Some of us are too passive as Christians, and we expect the Devil to just sooner or later stop beating us up. The Devil won’t move from his position in your family, home, job, church, or community by you just knowing the Word of God, but rather by you aiming the Word of God at him. He is not afraid of your gun that is sitting by your side, it is when you point it at him and fire, that he gets to running. This gets him fleeing out of your spiritual territory.
It’s one thing to know you have authority and power, but it is another thing to be able to enforce and release that authority and power. Always remember this, “you have authority, but faith releases the power.” Not just a head faith, but faith in action. To release your faith it usually requires an act. This is to say that when you do something toward what you are believing that God gave you, then it releases your faith. Begin to act by speaking the Word of God at the enemy by faith and take back your territory.
If every Christian, and Christian leader would get into their proper positions and take the territory that God has given them, then we would have a net of dominion in Christ, over and around a community, city, state, region, nation and ultimately a world. This would push the enemy completely back.
God has given you a specific post to work in, in His Army. Are you guarding your territory, or has the Devil stole what and who you were responsible to keep and protect. You must get dedicated and be continuous in your warfare and prayer to see this thing through. Stand On Your Post Soldier Of God!
So many people want God to use them in a greater capacity and for greater things, but if they are not keeping the territory that they presently have jurisdiction over, how can they possibly maintain more? Only through faithfulness can you qualify for greater spiritual territory. If you don’t pray and fast now for what you have jurisdiction over, then you will not increase your praying when you have more spiritual responsibility.
You need to realize that the Devil and his demonic army are trying to claim everything that they can as their spiritual territory. If there is no resistance from you, he will soon take your, family, community, town, city, state or nation. He (the Devil) assigns different demons to produce strongholds of specific sins in certain geographical areas. This is why some areas are dominated by certain sins. In San Francisco perverseness, like homosexuality is prominent. In New Orleans revelry or partying is dominate. In New York mammon and greed are the strongmen. In different areas demonic entities of various kinds try to gain control of those territories. In the Book Of Daniel we see that there are princes or principalities over certain nations (Daniel 10:12-13). Daniel’s spiritual territory could have been that of a Prince, who when he began to pray and fast, broke through the spiritual resistance from a demonic prince.
It is important that you remember that God never gives you anything that He does not give you the tools to keep. So if your Church is not going the way that you know that it should be going, then you need to make sure that you have spiritual authority to operate in whatever position you have there. If you determine that God has placed you there, then pick up your weapons and remove the enemy. You have been given a charge to protect, develop, increase, deliver and bring salvation through repentance and faith in Jesus Christ to all who are under your spiritual authority, or who are in your God ordained spiritual territory.
Some of us are too passive as Christians, and we expect the Devil to just sooner or later stop beating us up. The Devil won’t move from his position in your family, home, job, church, or community by you just knowing the Word of God, but rather by you aiming the Word of God at him. He is not afraid of your gun that is sitting by your side, it is when you point it at him and fire, that he gets to running. This gets him fleeing out of your spiritual territory.
It’s one thing to know you have authority and power, but it is another thing to be able to enforce and release that authority and power. Always remember this, “you have authority, but faith releases the power.” Not just a head faith, but faith in action. To release your faith it usually requires an act. This is to say that when you do something toward what you are believing that God gave you, then it releases your faith. Begin to act by speaking the Word of God at the enemy by faith and take back your territory.
If every Christian, and Christian leader would get into their proper positions and take the territory that God has given them, then we would have a net of dominion in Christ, over and around a community, city, state, region, nation and ultimately a world. This would push the enemy completely back.
God has given you a specific post to work in, in His Army. Are you guarding your territory, or has the Devil stole what and who you were responsible to keep and protect. You must get dedicated and be continuous in your warfare and prayer to see this thing through. Stand On Your Post Soldier Of God!
By the Holy Spirit through Bishop Tony Owens
House Of David Ministries Inc, and Tony Owens Ministries Inc., 1(407) 930-6621
Post by True Riches Club.