Verse for the Day:


Sabado, Setyembre 13, 2014

Signs of the End Times


Wall St Journal, Oct. 23, 2014 (emphasis added):  One major volcanic eruption could make Japan “extinct,” a study by experts at Kobe University warns… “We should be aware… It wouldn’t be a surprise if such gigantic eruption were to take place at any moment.”   

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Are Earthquakes and Volcanic Erruptions  Signs Of The End Times?

   Earthquakes are occurring in Tokyo very frequently…strong enough to set high buildings creaking on their girders.  Continual tremors in Tokyo stir a big fear that a destructive earthquake is due.

  This year could be the year of many catastrophes…one may be the Tokyo earthquakes that leaves thousands dead!

   Matthew 24:7 tells us that one sign of the Last Day is “…earthquakes in various place.” More and more reading about disastrous earthquakes occurring killing thousands, making many more thousands homeless.

   What you may not realize is that GOD SPEAKS TO US though earthquakes but we don’t listen! An earthquake generated that Mount St. Helen’s volcanic eruptions!

Look at these verses:
   In Judges 5:4,5…. The Lord spoke to Israel through earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.
   In Deuteronomy  33:2…He brought ten thousands of His saints to witness this action.
   In Psalm 68:17…is a reaffirmation of the angels plus His chariots!
   In Daniel 7:9,  10… describes the battle of Armageddon and reveals that the angels who witness this event number into the MILLIONS!

    Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are not simply freaks of nature.  They are warnings from God!  Some 97 years ago, a volcanic eruption in Indonesia killed 37,000 people. But more significant…for a year after the eruption, sunlight, reaching the earth was reduced 13%. The sun will also be darkened at the 4th Trumpet judgment in the Tribulation Period. 

Other unusual earth occurrences:

Mass Killings: 

"And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.
For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. All these are the beginning of sorrows.
And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come. (Matt. 24:6,7,8,14)
"And as it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment," (Heb. 9:27)
"...behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation. (2 Cor. 6:2)
You can receive the gift of eternal life now, click here.

Checking on my next post? Relax and hear this song "Whenever I see" . God bless!

Biyernes, Setyembre 12, 2014

Will You Enter?

"Then Moses raised his arm and struck the rock twice with his staff." Numbers 20:11

Will you fulfill the destiny God has for your life? Perhaps you have never thought about it. God had a perfect plan for Moses to lead the people out of Egypt and into the Promised Land. It's been said the hardest place to score a touchdown is from the goal line. You're almost there. But there is something about crossing over that makes those last few yards the most difficult. Moses failed at the goal line, and it prevented him from finishing well a glorious life of service for God.

The people of Israel were complaining that they did not have water to drink. It was another of many tests for Israel. Moses inquired of God and God said, "...Speak to that rock before their eyes and it will pour out its water" (Num. 20:8a). Moses, in his frustration and anger with the people, began to act on his own and made a strategic mistake. Instead of speaking to the rock, he struck the rock twice with his staff. In spite of his disobedience, the rock poured forth water.

God was calling Moses to a different dimension. Moses was to use his words to speak the miracle. However, he not only lost his temper, but he also took credit and dishonored God. He used his staff, the symbol of his work life as a shepherd, to force the provision.

When we become callous, we can use our skills and abilities to force what we believe should happen. We take control. When we do this, we are in danger of failing to enter the Promised Land of blessing from God. Living in life's spiritual dimension requires patience and obedience. Beware of solving problems in your own strength. God wants to bring you into the Promised Land of His blessing. But it will require walking in the spiritual dimension.-Os Hillman 

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Miyerkules, Setyembre 10, 2014

The Spiritual Realm

"So what shall I do? I will pray with my spirit, but I will also pray with my mind; I will sing with my spirit, but I will also sing with my mind. 1 Corinthians 14:15

How real is the spiritual realm? My lawyer friend from Nigeria tells a personal story of how he was preparing for an important case. He knew that he must be prepared to argue five separate points. He was to appear before his country's supreme court, so it was a very important case.

As he neared the time in which he was to go to court, he began to pray about how he was to argue the case. He spent much time in legal preparation and intercessory prayer. As he went to court, the Spirit spoke to him and said, "Do not argue point one, point two, point three, or point four. Only argue point five." Imagine my friend's struggle of faith. If he were reading this wrong, the shame and professional fallout would be devastating.
The time had come to present the case before the judge when my friend said, "Judge, I wish to withdraw points one through four. I wish to argue only point five." The opposing counsel stood up and objected. "Your honor, he cannot do that!" "Objection overruled, counsel," said the judge.

My friend went on to present his case around point five only, and then sat down. When the opposing counsel stood to present his case, he stood speechless for 12 minutes. He could not get a word out of his mouth. He finally mumbled a few words and complained to the judge that he was going to have to yield. It seems that the opposing counsel had prepared to argue only points one through four, but failed to prepare for point five. The judge ruled in favor of my friend.

The unseen Lord wants to help us in the physical realm of our work life. We must acknowledge His presence and tap into this incredible resource He has given to each of us. Seek Him today and ask Him to reveal His perfect plan for you this day. -Os Hillman

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Martes, Setyembre 9, 2014

The Way of God

"If My people would but listen to Me.... Psalm 81:13

God has a specific training ground for leaders. There are three patterns of preparation that have been common among most of God's leaders. First, there is a time when the leader is separated from his old life. Consider Moses, Joseph, Abraham, and Paul. In order for God to mold and shape them into His nature, it appears that He had to remove them from the life of comfort. A teacher once said, "You cannot go with God and remain where you are."

Next, there is usually a time of solitude. God often brings leaders into a time of solitude in order to speak to them without other distractions. Hosea 2:14b says, "I will lead her into the desert and speak tenderly to her." Paul was sent to Arabia for two years for a time of solitude. Joseph spent years in the solitude of prison. Moses spent 40 years in the desert herding sheep.

The third characteristic of God's preparation for leaders is discomfort. The setting in which the preparation takes place usually is not a place of comfort. Abraham traveled through the difficult deserts. David lived in caves fleeing Saul. Paul was frequently persecuted.

Are you ready for the classroom of leadership preparation? If God chooses to bring you into this class, you may have one of three reactions to the events. First, you may say, "I don't need it." Perhaps you know intellectually that you do need this, but God wants you to know it in your heart. Pride prevents us from entering this classroom. The second reaction may be, "I'm tired of it." You decide you've had enough. If so, this will disqualify you from leadership. Finally, God's desired response from us in this preparation is, "I accept it." To accept it with joy is the place of maturity in Christ. God often keeps us in these places until we come to accept and agree that Jesus is enough. Is He all you need?

Like the people of Israel, I think we have something to do with the timetable of our education. "If My people would but listen to Me, if Israel would follow My ways, how quickly would I subdue their enemies and turn My hand against their foes!" (Ps. 81:13-14)

Are you ready for the process required for being a godly leader? Ask for His grace to willingly embrace these times of preparation.- Os Hillman

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Linggo, Setyembre 7, 2014

God is Able

God is able to create something out of nothing.

"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."
                                                                        Genesis 1:1

If He can do it once, He can do it over and over again. He can do it for you.

God is rich and will never run out of resources.

"The silver is mine and the gold is mine." declares the Lord Almighty."  Haggai 2:8

We must no be afraid that we will run out of resources. God's resources are infinite and never ending.

God has more than enough for everyone. We should reprogram the poverty mindset into an abundance mindset. We should not be envious when we see other people succeeding and moving ahead in life. But instead we should rejoice for we know our time will also come when we are ready.

We should not be angry when our competition is making more money and winning all the awards in the company for God has more than enough for everyone.

We should not be afraid of running out of customers and clients, God has created more than enough for everyone to share and enjoy.

If we really declare that God is our source and we have an infinite source, we should be secured and at peace that everything will be fine. We should not be worry about our future.

"Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not more value than they? Which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature?"  Matthew 6:25-25

"And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.
For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. All these are the beginning of sorrows.
And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come. (Matt. 24:6,7,8,14)
"And as it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment," (Heb. 9:27)
"...behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation. (2 Cor. 6:2)
You can receive the gift of eternal life now, click here.

Miyerkules, Agosto 27, 2014


Angels Came Into Her Room
             Then Maria had a great vision. Angels came into her room. They took her to the West, over prairies, lakes, forests, and rivers where she saw a long, wide field of waving golden grain. As the view unfolded she began to preach and saw the grains begin to fall like sheaves. Then Jesus told her that, "just as the grain fell, so people would fall" as she
preached. Finally Maria realized that she would never be happy until she yielded to the call. In response to this great vision from God, she humbly answered "yes" to His call upon her life and asked Him to anoint her with great power. (God's Generals - Roberts Liardon)

Devil's Den Destroyed
             One particular meeting was held in a town called Devils Den. No minister had ever been successful there, and people came to mock her. They were looking to see the female evangelist who would soon run out of town shattered and defeated. But they received the surprise of their lives! Sister Etter might have been a woman, but she was not one to be taken lightly. She knew the key to spiritual warfare, and the fervency of prayer that unlocked heaven. For three days Maria preached and sang. No one moved. Finally, on the fourth day, she exercised her spiritual authority through intercession and tore down the demonic principality that ruled over Devils Den. She prayed that God would show a great display of His power to break the people's stiff formality. That night, people throughout the meeting cried and repented to God. It was the greatest manifestation of the presence of God the town had ever witnessed. (God's Generals - Roberts Liardon)

The "Trance" Talk
             "Fifteen came to the altar screaming for mercy. Men and women fell and lay like dead. I had never seen anything like this. I felt it was the work of God, but did not know how to explain it, or what to say."
              After laying on the floor for some time, these people sprang to their feet with shining faces while shouting the praises of God. Sister Etter said that she had never seen such bright conversion.
              The trances became the talk of the day. Hundreds flocked to taste of this outpouring, while others went to observe or ridicule.At one meeting, fifteen doctors came from different cities to investigate the trances. One of the doctors was a world-class leader in his field. Sister Etter wrote of it this way:
             "He did not want to admit the power was of God. He would have been glad if they could prove it was something else. He came to investigate...but was called to another part of the house. He went, expecting to find something new. To his surprise he found his son at the altar and wanted his father to pray for him. He could not pray. God showed him what he was, and what he was doing. He began to pray for himself. While praying he fell into a trance, and saw the horrors of hell. He was falling in. After a terrible struggle God saved him. He went to work to win souls for Christ."
             Sister Etter also wrote of a party that several young women attended at which they thought they would have fun and act out a trance. But they were immediately gripped by the power of God, and their mocking turned into loud cries to God for mercy.
             Once an elderly man who had traveled the world was visiting an area where Maria was ministering. He was a religious man, so he decided to attend one of her meetings out of curiosity. As he witnessed the meeting, he made some joking remark to his friends concerning the display of power. Filled with pride, the man boldly headed for the platform to investigate. But before he reached the pulpit, he was "struck to the floor by the power of God" and laid there for over two hours. While in this state, God showed him a vision of heaven and hell. Realizing he had to choose, he immediately chose God and was born again. Then he came to, praising God (God's Generals - Roberts Liardon)

Broken Rib Healed
               Thousands came to Dallas, some from over two thousand miles away, bringing the sick and afflicted for healing. One man had three broken ribs from a fall. He could hardly stand because of the pain. Sister Etter laid her hands on him and offered the prayer of faith, and instantly, the bones that were turned inward came into place. At first, he flinched when she touched him, but he ended up pounding his ribs realizing the pain and swelling were gone.

Tuberculosis Healed
               Another man was brought in on a cot, suffering from tuberculosis. His condition was hopeless, being also plagued with a fistula, an open sore that had left a deep hole in his body. But when Maria prayed, the power of God hit the man. He jumped off his cot and ran up and down in front of the crowd. Then he rode home sitting up with the others and gained four pounds a day from that day on.
               Cancer had eaten the entire side of one man's face and neck. The cancer was so painful, he had to be taken from the first meeting. But when Sister Etter laid hands on him and prayed, the power of God hit him. The pain, stiffness, and burning left immediately. He was suddenly able to turn his neck from side to side, then he got up on the altar and preached to the people. (God's Generals - Roberts Liardon)

Deaf and Dumb Healed
               One night, three people that had been deaf and dumb, all strangers to one another, stood at the altar, weeping, hugging and shouting because God had opened their ears and given them their speech. Many others looked on and wept, making their way to the altar to know God and be saved. One of the three formerly deaf and dumb went on to testify: "When Sister Etter put her finger in my mouth at the root of my tongue and then in my ears, commanding a 'deaf and dumb' spirit to come out, God instantly opened my ears and gave me my voice." (God's Generals - Roberts Liardon)

Cancer Healed
               One woman had a double affliction of cancer and tuberculosis. She was like a living skeleton. All the best physicians of Dallas had given up on her. She was brought in on a cot, and many thought she would die before Sister Etter got to her. When prayed for, she was instantly healed and jumped up from the cot shouting! Then she came to the rest of the meetings every night and sat with the others. Though she was still very thin, all who knew the woman said that she was gaining weight and improving daily.

               Invalids walked from their sick beds, the deaf heard, the blind saw, arthritis was instantly healed, tumors destroyed, dropsy eliminated. In short, every manner of sickness and disease that dared to show itself at Sister Etter's meetings, bowed its knee to Jesus Christ and was disintegrated by the fire of the Spirit. And all of this in spite of the doctrinal divisions. (God's Generals - Roberts Liardon)

Elizabeth Waters remembered these meetings like this:
               "I remember like yesterday, my girlfriend and I rolled my mother in a wheelchair about six or seven long blocks.... Two big men carried the wheelchair in front of the round pulpit as it was already lined up with wheelchairs. It was so hot, my mother begged to be taken home, but I insisted on staying. Praise the Lord, she was pointed out to be put up on the pulpit, where that beautiful little lady I won't ever forget, spoke to my mother. I saw her reply by shaking her head and then she [Sister Etter] hit her on the chest (it looked hard to me). It was like a bolt of lightning struck her, she leaped to her feet and flew around, jumping for joy. All the people yelled and screamed, I doubt if they had ever seen anything like it before.
                Many more miracles were seen. We almost had to tie my mother in the chair coming home. She wanted to walk, but she was weak as she had been bedfast for two years. When we got home, my grandmother and more neighbors were waiting for us. My mother stepped out of the wheelchair and walked up the stairs. They all yelled and cried. From that day on my mother was completely healed, healthy, fat, and loved the Lord." (God's Generals - Roberts Liardon)

Speaking in Tongues
                 One incredible Tabernacle story involved a Romanian family. Their daughter suffered from tuberculosis and two Pentecostal women had come to their house to pray for her. Discovering that their daughter had been healed after the prayer, the family searched for a Pentecostal church and found the Tabernacle. During their first service, a lady who had been miraculously healed from cancer, stood and delivered a message in tongues for twenty-eight minutes.
                 Some wondered why Sister Etter allowed her to continue so freely in the Spirit for such a length of time. But their questions were answered the next Sunday when it was learned that this woman was speaking Romanian, a language she had never heard nor learned. This little Romanian family heard a message from God in their own language as they sat listening, completely overwhelmed. The father was the only one who could speak English. It has been said that Maria and the Tabernacle members "learned to expect such experiences as much as some congregations expect to sing the doxology at the end of their services." (God's Generals - Roberts Liardon)

Tumor Healed
                  Another Tabernacle tale involved the healing of a young boy. He had tuberculosis and developed a tumor the size of a fist. When his mother took him to Maria she said, "We'll just cut it out with the Sword of the Spirit" With that, Sister Etter took her Bible and "whacked" him on the neck, and the boy was healed. (God's Generals - Roberts Liardon) This boy became an evangelist named Roscoe Russel.
"And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.
For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. All these are the beginning of sorrows.
And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come. (Matt. 24:6,7,8,14)
"And as it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment," (Heb. 9:27)
"...behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation. (2 Cor. 6:2)
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First Healing Miracle
While pastoring in Newton, a death-wreaking plague swept through the region, particularly in the outskirts of Sydney. People were dying at such a high rate that the population was totally paralyzed with fear and dread. 
"A loud ring and several loud raps at the outer door...two panting messengers who said, 'Oh, come at once, Mary is dying; come and pray.' ...I rushed from my house and ran hatless down the street, and entered the room of the dying maiden. There she lay, groaning, grinding her teeth in the agony of the conflict with the destroyer...I looked at her and then my anger burned....
"In a strange way it came to pass...the sword I needed was still in my hands...and never will I lay it down. The doctor, a good Christian man, was quietly walking up and down the room.... Presently, he stood at my side and said, 'Sir, are not God's ways mysterious?' 'God's way!...No sir, that is the devil's work and it is time we called on Him Who came to "destroy the work of the devil.'”
Offended by the words of Dowie, the doctor left the room. Dowie turned to Mary's mother and asked why she had sent for him. Learning that she wanted the prayer of faith, Dowie bowed by the girl's bed and cried out to God. Instantly the girl lay still. The mother asked if her daughter was dead, but Dowie replied, "No...she will live. The fever is gone."
Soon, the young girl was sitting up in bed and eating. She apologized for sleeping so long and exclaimed how well she felt. And as the small group thanked the Lord, Dowie went into the room of her brother and sister, prayed for them, and they were instantly healed. From that moment on, the plague was stayed as far as Dowie's congregation was concerned. Not another member of his flock died of the epidemic. And as a result of this revelation, the great healing ministry of John Alexander Dowie was launched. (God's Generals - Roberts Liardon)

Escape From Danger

Persecution abounded, even to the point that his enemies in organized crime once schemed to plant a bomb under his desk. The bomb was set to explode during the late hours Dowie kept, but he heard a voice that said "Arise, go!" The third time he heard it, he grabbed his coat and went home to finish his work. Within minutes after arriving safely home, the bomb exploded under his desk, several blocks away. In 1888, Dowie sensed the unction to come to America, then possibly on to England. His unction became reality in June of that year as he passed under the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco. Newspapers carried the story that Dowie was heading for America, and that people were coming from all parts of California to be healed. (God's Generals - Roberts Liardon)

Tumor Healed
Once while speaking at a divine healing convention in Chicago, he was summoned to pray for a lady dying from a fibroid tumor. At the time, Chicago was the second largest city in America. There were strong, evil spiritual influences ruling Chicago, and Dowie was very interested in establishing his headquarters there. So he took this woman's request for healing as a test as to whether or not he should begin a work in the city. The woman's tumor was reportedly the size of a coconut that had grown into various parts of her body. When Dowie prayed for her, she was instantly healed. In fact, the healing was so remarkable that several Chicago newspapers ran the story. (God's Generals - Roberts Liardon)

Rain Fell on Drought
There had been a severe drought in the land, and no rain had fallen for eight months. So the reporters chided Dowie, reminding him that Elijah prayed for rain during drought in Israel and rain came. And that if he was Elijah, surely he would do the same for California. Dowie did indeed pray for rain at the end of his service, and before the crowd was dismissed, rain was falling in torrents.(God's Generals - Roberts Liardon)

Watch Documentary about John Alexander Dowie by Roberts Liardon on these links:

"And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.
For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. All these are the beginning of sorrows.
And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come. (Matt. 24:6,7,8,14)
"And as it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment," (Heb. 9:27)
"...behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation. (2 Cor. 6:2)
You can receive the gift of eternal life now, click here.