Verse for the Day:


Biyernes, Abril 24, 2015

Faith is spelled R.I.S.K.

"Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, 'Lord, save me!'" (Matt 14:29-30).

Jesus told Peter to get out of the boat. There is always a risk when we attempt something never done before. Naysayers seem to come out of the wood work. Why? Because it's not their vision, it's yours. Sometimes we fail the first time out. It's a fact that most entrepreneurs fail before they are really successful.

"Success," said Winston Churchill, "is going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm." Everybody fails. It's part of the process that leads us to maturity and success. Most successful entrepreneurs don't think of their failures as defeats. They think of them as lessons.

If you hope to succeed, learn everything you can from your failures. In The Three Success Secrets of Shamgar, Orlando Magic executive Pat Williams observed, "Our experiences may not all be triumphs and successes, but so what? Failure is usually a far better teacher than success - if we are willing to learn the lessons. As Houston Astros pitcher Larry Dierker observed, 'Experience is the best teacher, but a hard grader. She gives the test first, the lesson later.'"*

God never gets mired in our past failures. He is constantly viewing our lives with future success in mind. "See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland" (Isa. 43:19). Someone once said, "When your memories are bigger than your dreams, you're headed for the grave." God wants to give us new dreams that are bigger than anything that has ever happened to us in the past.

Don't let past failures keep you from future successes. 

Os Hillman



Linggo, Abril 19, 2015

John G Lake – Woman's Tumor Disappeared

Excerpt from:
John G Lake, The Complete Collection Of His Life Teachings
Spoken November 26, 1916
Pg 324 – 325

It is almost a sadness to my soul that men should be astonished and surprised at an ordinary tangible evidence of the power of God. A woman came into the healing rooms on Thursday afternoon with a tumor larger than a full-grown, unborn child, and her physicians and nurse had been fooled, believing it to be such, until nature’s period had passed. Then they decided it must be something else.
She came to the healing rooms and I interviewed her. She said, “Mr. Lake, I have the opinion of several physicians. They are all different, but each have said, ‘It is possible it may be a child,’ but now the time has passed, and they do not know what to say.”
I put my hand upon her for a moment, and I said, “Madam, it is not a child, it is a tumor.” She sat down and wept. Her nurse was with her. Her soul was troubled and she did not receive healing.
She came back on Thursday afternoon for prayer and went away like the rest. But she returned on Friday with her corsets on. She said, “I came to show you that I am perfectly normal. When I retired last night at ten o’clock there was no evidence that anything had taken place. Beyond that I felt comfortable and the choking was gone. But when I awoke this morning I was my normal size.”
I said, “Did it disappear in the form of a fluid?”
She said, “There was not an outward sign of any character.”
Beloved, what happened to it? It dematerialized, did it not? There was nothing else. The tumor dissolved. It was evaporated, taken out of the system, and was gone in a single night.
I called a friend on the telephone to tell him about it. Another friend was present in the room and while he still held the receiver in his hand he turned to his friend and told him about it, and the friend said, “My good God, man, that would be a miracle!”
What is a miracle? It is the tangible evidence of the supreme control of the Spirit of God over every character and form of materiality. The tumor disappeared. It was gone. Why? Because the living Spirit of God entered it and by the power and working of God the woman returned to her normal condition. Blessed be His name….
…I talked with the husband of the lady, one of the most profane men I have most ever known until Friday morning. He said to me, “Mr. Lake, when I got up on Friday morning and saw my wife I said, ‘I will never again take that name upon my lips in vain.'” And he has walked softly, and a new light is shining in his soul and a new presence has made itself evident to that man.


Biyernes, Abril 17, 2015


Here is the divine way out of trouble. Just now you may be in the midst of it. Everything is going against you, and you cannot see any way out. But listen to what the psalmist says: The way out is up—to God. “Sacrifice thank offering.” That sounds senseless, but try it anyway! In the midst of all your problems, stop worrying and start thanking God. Lift your voice to God—not complaining, but in praise. Offer Him a sacrifice of thanksgiving.
   A sacrifice always costs you something. To start thanking God in such a situation goes against the grain. But it is a sacrifice that pleases God. In return God promises: “When you offer Me your sacrifice of thankfulness in the midst of all the trouble, then I will intervene on your behalf. I will deliver you and you will honor Me.”

“Sacrifice thank offerings to God,
    fulfill your vows to the Most High,
 and call on me in the day of trouble;
    I will deliver you, and you will honor me.”  - Psalm 50:14-15

Excerp from "Chords from the Harp of David"
 by Derek Prince p. 98




Here is the divine way out of trouble. Just now you may be in the midst of it. Everything is going against you, and you cannot see any way out. But listen to what the psalmist says: The way out is up—to God. “Sacrifice thank offering.” The sounds senseless, but try it anyway! In the midst of all your problems, stop worrying and start thanking God. Lift your voice to God—not complaining, but in praise. Offer Him a sacrifice of thanksgiving.
   A sacrifice always costs you something. To start thanking God in such a situation goes against the grain. But it is a sacrifice that pleases God. In return God promises: “When you offer Me your sacrifice of thankfulness in the midst of all the trouble, then I will intervene on your behalf. I will deliver you land you will honor Me.”

“Sacrifice thank offerings to God,
    fulfill your vows to the Most High,
 and call on me in the day of trouble;
    I will deliver you, and you will honor me.”  - Psalm 50:14-15



Sabado, Marso 28, 2015

The Lord is My Shepherd

As God's sheep, have we spent enough time with him to recognize his voice?
Shepherds in Israel are quite young. Boys and girls as young as twelve can have charge of an entire flock. Grown men rarely travel with the flocks.  Instead the men watch their undershepherds from a distace while they care for matters in the camp.
Over time, the shepherd's voice becomes familiar to her sheep. When several flocks stay together for a night, the sheep always recognize their shepherd's voice in the morning. They will not follow any other voice.
Describing God as a shepherd in Psalm 23, David created a beautiful picture for the Israelites, and for us. As we undershepherd the "flocks" God has put in our care—whether they be friends, children, students, or coworkers—God is watching over us.
But the comparison also brings a challenge. As God's sheep, have we spent enough time with him to recognize his voice? If we are truly his sheep, then we will follow him alone, ignoring other voices that may tempt us.

A friend of mine told me a story about an experience he had in Israel that demonstrates how sheep know their shepherd's voice. He and his wife were visiting some of the famous biblical sites when they saw a group of shepherds and their flocks. 
They watched as three different shepherds put their sheep in the same pen for the night, and they wondered how in the world the shepherds would separate their sheep the next day, since none of them had any identifying marks on them.
My friend got up early the next morning to watch the shepherds gather their sheep. The first shepherd went over to the pen and called out to his sheep. One by one, his sheep (and only his sheep) filed out to follow him. The same thing happened with the other two shepherds. My friend said it was amazing to watch how only the shepherd's sheep followed him while the others remained in the pen--and all because they recognized his voice. 
What a picture of Jesus' words spoken centuries earlier. "I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me. . . . My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me" (John 10:14,27).

Ask God to help you hear the voice of God--even on the job.


  If you are praying for  a Church to attend, join us at the "River of God," Galleria.

Martes, Disyembre 2, 2014

How to Keep and Protect Your Spiritual Territory

 Luke 10:19 says;
  Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.

The word power in this scripture denotes authority. This authority is to take dominion from the enemy of our souls, the Devil. You, yes you, have been given a position in God’s Army, and thus you have certain spiritual territory that you must maintain and keep. Each Christian has been given a post in God’s Army. Some are faithfully on duty, while others do not take seriously a post that cannot be seen.
    In the Book of Revelation (The Revelation Of Jesus Christ) we see in chapters 2-3 an address to the Angels of each of these Churches. Who are these Angels? They are not literally Angels as we suppose, but rather Pastor’s, Christian Leaders and Christian Territorial Watchmen, who have been given territorial responsibility. You too, have been given territorial responsibilities which might include, your family, community, church, place of employment, friends, etc.. Some of us have been given great responsibilities and jurisdictions, that we have been given spiritual authority over. Such as; authority over a Church, local community, state, region, nation, denomination, or people group. This authority may not be openly known to others in the natural, but the spiritual realm sees and honors that authority. Callings such as intercessors, prayer warriors, as well as other positions, often have unseen authority.
    You must realize that you have individual, as well as collective territorial responsibilities. Individually this would include your home, and collectively this would include your Church and community.
    It is imperative that you understand that your spiritual territory also includes the call on your life. If you are in disobedience to God, then you are in the Devil’s territory. This makes you vulnerable. This is why so many ministers of the Gospel are having difficult times. A lot of people place ecclesiastical titles on themselves, and in doing so they step out of their spiritual territory, and are now vulnerable to the Devil’s attacks. If you are a Pastor, and you without the direction of God begin to call yourself Bishop, or Apostle, and then try to do the work of these callings, you will find it most difficult to fulfill this work, because you are out of your spiritual territory. God has not given you the spiritual accoutrements to walk in that calling. So many ministries fail because people are operating in the wrong spiritual offices, and so they don’t have the spiritual authority to fulfill that call.
    Abraham was given certain territory to inherit. Although it was for Abraham, he still did not get it all at once. Neither can you take a spiritual territory all at once, but little by little (Deuteronomy 7:22-26). This method will give you the ability to handle and secure each area God has given you authority over.

How do you protect and keep your spiritual territory?

  1. The first thing you need to do is find out, or establish what spiritual territory you have been given by God, and what the bounds or boundaries are of that territory.
  2. It is important here that you put on your belt of truth and examine your life, to see if it is in line with God’s Word. You should not try and take spiritual territory if you are living a carnal Christian life, or living in open sin. Christians who live carnally by watching things on television, like programs that use the Lord’s name in vain (most Christians are so desensitized toward this that they don’t even realize when this happens), say light curse words, have murder and killing, or show or imply sexual things like fornication or adultery, don’t often realize that they have diminished, if not totally lost the power necessary to enforce their spiritual territory. The Seven Brothers of Sceva tried to step into spiritual territory that they were not qualified to operate in, and they were over taken by the enemy (Acts 19:13-16).
  3. You must learn that you cannot physically maintain your spiritual territory. You need the Power of The Holy Spirit. You have no power against the enemy on your own. The weapons of your warfare are not carnal (Read II Corinthians 10:3-4).
  4. Next, we should learn to take up our spiritual authority daily, and enforce the Kingdom of God. You do this by praying, fasting, reading your Word (Bible), confessing the Word of God about who you are in Christ (your words hold power, especially when your words are what God says about you), speaking the Word of God against the Devil (Matthew 4:1-11), binding and loosing (Matthew 16:19), Casting out devils (Mark 16:17-18). 

     God wants us to be in a spiritual position to keep and protect the spiritual territory that He has given us. When a territory is not kept, maintained or protected by Christians you can see the demonic destruction and devastation that often occurs. In certain cities, cultures, and countries it is more evident than others. This is especially evident in countries that serve false gods or use voodoo and the various forms of witchcraft (including white and black magic).

    So many people want God to use them in a greater capacity and for greater things, but if they are not keeping the territory that they presently have jurisdiction over, how can they possibly maintain more? Only through faithfulness can you qualify for greater spiritual territory. If you don’t pray and fast now for what you have jurisdiction over, then you will not increase your praying when you have more spiritual responsibility.

    You need to realize that the Devil and his demonic army are trying to claim everything that they can as their spiritual territory. If there is no resistance from you, he will soon take your, family, community, town, city, state or nation. He (the Devil) assigns different demons to produce strongholds of specific sins in certain geographical areas. This is why some areas are dominated by certain sins. In San Francisco perverseness, like homosexuality is prominent. In New Orleans revelry or partying is dominate. In New York mammon and greed are the strongmen. In different areas demonic entities of various kinds try to gain control of those territories. In the Book Of Daniel we see that there are princes or principalities over certain nations (Daniel 10:12-13). Daniel’s spiritual territory could have been that of a Prince, who when he began to pray and fast, broke through the spiritual resistance from a demonic prince.

    It is important that you remember that God never gives you anything that He does not give you the tools to keep. So if your Church is not going the way that you know that it should be going, then you need to make sure that you have spiritual authority to operate in whatever position you have there. If you determine that God has placed you there, then pick up your weapons and remove the enemy. You have been given a charge to protect, develop, increase, deliver and bring salvation through repentance and faith in Jesus Christ to all who are under your spiritual authority, or who are in your God ordained spiritual territory.
    Some of us are too passive as Christians, and we expect the Devil to just sooner or later stop beating us up. The Devil won’t move from his position in your family, home, job, church, or community by you just knowing the Word of God, but rather by you aiming the Word of God at him. He is not afraid of your gun that is sitting by your side, it is when you point it at him and fire, that he gets to running. This gets him fleeing out of your spiritual territory.
    It’s one thing to know you have authority and power, but it is another thing to be able to enforce and release that authority and power. Always remember this, “you have authority, but faith releases the power.” Not just a head faith, but faith in action. To release your faith it usually requires an act. This is to say that when you do something toward what you are believing that God gave you, then it releases your faith. Begin to act by speaking the Word of God at the enemy by faith and take back your territory.
    If every Christian, and Christian leader would get into their proper positions and take the territory that God has given them, then we would have a net of dominion in Christ, over and around a community, city, state, region, nation and ultimately a world. This would push the enemy completely back.
    God has given you a specific post to work in, in His Army. Are you guarding your territory, or has the Devil stole what and who you were responsible to keep and protect. You must get dedicated and be continuous in your warfare and prayer to see this thing through. Stand On Your Post Soldier Of God!

By the Holy Spirit through Bishop Tony Owens                  
House Of David Ministries Inc, and Tony Owens Ministries Inc.,              1(407) 930-6621

Sabado, Nobyembre 29, 2014

Be Seed-Minded, Not Need-Minded

     "We need to grasp and understand the nature, magnitude, potential and power of a seed. Dr. Myles Monroe says, "A seed until it is released, is only a promise of a tree. The death of a seed is a burial of a forest."

     We should understand and always remember that every great tree was once a seed. Therefore. if a seed is not released, it will never birth to a forest. Unreleased seed is indeed a tragedy. It steals life of its essence and robs the future of its value. 

      When we face life's difficulties, it is our natural tendency to focus on our problems--our pains, our sickness, our financial difficulties. If we are focused the way to get what you need is to release what you need to others. Meaning....If you have a lot of problems, take your mind off yourself and go help others solve their problems. Be the solution to other problems! Sow a seed in others. 

     God will definitely use that seed to bring solution to your problems. If you are in pain, go help somebody else ease his/her pain. If you are sick, spend time in praying for the healing of somebody else who is suffering from illness. If you are facing financial difficulties, go and help others financially. As Anne Frank says, "No one has ever become poor by giving."

    "The true meaning of life is to plant trees under whose shade you do not expect to sit."- Nelson Henderson.

      When you get up in the morning, instead of thinking of what you will receive for the day, pray to God for other people's blessings. Your life will be full of blessings that you won't have enough room to contain it.

     "There are three keys to more abundant living: caring about others, daring for others, and sharing with others." - William A. Ward

    We discovered that if we help someone meet his/her needs, then God will meet our needs. When God sees you selflessly praying for others first before yourself, being good to somebody even though you are facing challenges in life, cheering up someone even though you have been through many failures, praying for somebody else's healing even if you don't feel well, He will surely bless you. God will use these selfless acts he sees in you and He will bring a harvest into your own life. 

   "The measure of life is not in its duration but in its donation. Everyone can be great because everyone can serve." - Peter Marshall.

      I would like to share a story about this man praying to God to bless him with a wife. For many years, since he started working, he started saving money to prepare him for family life. What was interesting was God did not send him a wife immediately. God rather send him a need to meet. 

     One day, while he was attending a church service, the Lord impressed in his heart a burden to be a part of the construction of a prayer mountain. He was greatly moved that day and decided to donate the entire amount in his savings account for the prayer mountain project. 

     Years later, he amazingly reaped his harvest. He became one of the managers of a manufacturing company and was promoted six times in a span of two years. One day, he attended a leadership seminar where his company invited a resource speaker. He never realized that the lady resource speaker was the answer to his prayer. Almost a year after that seminar, they got married.

      I really believe that this man's willingness to give to the church's need was one of the seeds God used to cause their paths to cross. They are now happily married for more than 20 years with four children. Prior to this, years ago, God blessed him with one promotion after another. 

     Today, together with his wife, God has entrusted to them a company whose mission is to unleash the highest potential in people for the glory of God.

     When that man prayed for a wife, he didn't get a favorable answer right away. God gave him a burden instead, to help the church. Just like the case of this man, when we pray to God, He may seem to be unresponsive. His ways are not our ways. It is, in fact, higher than ours. Amazing things happen when we respond and obey to His promptings.

     I thank God that I'm married to that man who sowed a seed and reaped a great harvest. Our family is so blessed because of the seed he sowed many years ago. To God be the glory! He has continually encouraged our children and me to apply in our lives what is written in the Bible.

    "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up." - Galatians 6:9

       Remember, when we reach out and give our time, energy and resources, we encourage, and we share our finances, then that seed that holds the solution to our problems is being nurtured. When we pray to God for other people's needs, God will bring harvest back to you. 

       "Our prayer must not be self-centered. It must arise not only because we feel our own need as a burden we must lay upon God, but also because we are so bound up in love with our fellow men that we feel there's a need as acutely as our own. To make intercession for men is the most powerful and practical way in which we can express our love for them."- John Calvin

      If you are lonely, don't just pray to God to send somebody to make you happy. Instead, go and ease the loneliness of others by praying for them. The same seed that God will use to bring a harvest of joy in your own life. Charles Dicken says, "No  one is useless in this world who lightens the burdens of another."

      If you are unemployed, it is not enough to pray to God to give you a job. While you are waiting for your own opportunity to come, help a friend be promoted, or help someone find a job.

     "Those who are happiest are those who do the most for others."- Booker T. Washington

      In our more than twenty years of marriage, we learned that even expressing gratitude to people God used to bless us is also the seed that brought harvest into our lives. As what G.B. Stern said, "Silent gratitude isn't much use to anyone."

         "If you want your life to turn around, try thankfulness. It will change your life mightily."- Gerard Good

        "God gave you a gift if 86,400 seconds today. Have you used one to say, "Thank you?"
Gratitude can transform common days into joy, and change ordinary opportunities into blessings." - William A. Ward. 

      Most of the time, we pray for God to answer our prayer.. However, He will send a need for us to meet. That need then, is the seed that holds the answer.

      The book of Proverbs says when you refresh others, God will refresh you, He who satisfies others will be satisfied.

       "Give, and it will be given back to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into you lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -Luke 6:38

 Be seed-minded, not need minded. 
Sow a seed in times of need!

Vic & Avelynn Garcia
Unleash Your Highest Potential
p. 63-68